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rectifiedspiritomb t1_ivqwtw1 wrote

What's going on in Williamsburg? Trumpy hipsters?


AvatarNab_Echo OP t1_ivqxj39 wrote

very, very large orthodox and hasidic jewish community who near universally support Zeldin


Tyrtle-Bikeoff t1_ivr41jl wrote

Williamsburg north and south of (aptly named) Division Ave is two very different places. South of there is 85% to 95% Hasidic Jews depending on the block. And they tend to vote Republican by a HUGE margin. Same goes for the dark red areas in Boro Park, Crown Heights, etc.


mojorisin622 t1_ivqxjln wrote

Big population of Jews there


Tyrtle-Bikeoff t1_ivr4l22 wrote

Well its not just any old jews though, its pretty much just the Hasidic jews voting Republican by big margins... otherwise the Upper West wouldnt be solidly blue.


MeanieMeany t1_ivr742s wrote

Yeah that's the hasidic ghetto south of Broadway, west of the G train


Algoresball t1_ivsagev wrote

Maybe ghetto isn’t the best term to use


PiffityPoffity t1_ivtfwsn wrote

I’m really hoping they don’t know the origin of the word “ghetto,” because yikes.


Tyrtle-Bikeoff t1_ivuo5qs wrote

Im guessing that they do and thats why they chose that specific term.


MeanieMeany t1_ivv2kcc wrote

Of course I do. I'm also Jewish! Ghetto is a ghetto. If people self cluster it's a ghetto.


mankiw t1_ivz7ilh wrote

the Venetian Ghetto in Cannaregio?


Nickyluvs2cum t1_ivqxbku wrote

That’s such an odd mix…. They probably went down a YouTube rabbit hole
