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Myske1 t1_ivl3kbr wrote

All the judges here where I live in Brooklyn were unopposed, and there's no primary for them. They either ran just as Dems or as both Dems and Reps. They were all pretty clearly chosen by the party machine.

It's fucking absurd. Either there should be primaries for them, or the mayor should appoint them with the consent of the city council. Judges should not be appointed by unelected party bosses.


Samcrow15 t1_ivlj0cb wrote

I thought i was tripping when i read the ballot


spad807 t1_ivlxv55 wrote

I asked the poll site workers if I misunderstood the ballot - they laughed and said nope all are running unopposed.


[deleted] t1_ivl4wg9 wrote



Myske1 t1_ivl5g57 wrote

Run how? The two parties submit their lists. Lists that they pick behind the scenes. Lists that are somehow identical to each other because the Dem and Rep party bosses have clearly made a deal.


64321684 t1_ivl8bt8 wrote

Yep, this is right. I know one of the judges on the ballot. It took them years to win the right to be the sole candidate on the ballot. Years of attending stupid events all across the city and kissing the rings of those who actually make this decision. The whole system is absolutely fucking absurd.


valoremz t1_ivn13xq wrote

> kissing the rings of those who actually make this decision.

Can you elaborate or give an example of who these party bosses are?


odeebee t1_ivn84sz wrote

Go to law school. Become a lawyer. Then become a judge. Then claim all elections are fraud and that all criminal prosecutions are witch-hunts. Then run as a Republican in NYC. This will all be a totally good use of your time, talent, and money I promise.


[deleted] t1_ivl5obt wrote



panda12291 t1_ivl897l wrote

The issue is the way that judges are selected in NY. The party holds a "judicial nominating convention" at which it selects the candidates that will be on the ballot, and then they all run unopposed. There is no primary to win; there is no transparency in the party selection process. The solution you propose simply doesn't exist. This is a real problem with judicial elections in NY that does not have an easy solution.


Myske1 t1_ivl9nkz wrote

There’s no primary. Did you not read the comment you replied to?


Smoy t1_ivm2l7w wrote

Oh yeah let me just put this spare million dollars I have into my election fund. Good thing I can spend my time campaigning instead of like, working my job that puts food on the table. Who needs that


ripstep1 t1_ivla3fg wrote

Can you just declare you are in the Democratic Party though?


shotpun t1_ivm50wb wrote

problem is we (as a society) have decided that the people whose entire lifes work should be dedicated to removing bias from the legal system also have to run partisan political campaigns


NetQuarterLatte t1_ivln802 wrote

I’m writing in a protest vote in all unopposed ballots.


ChapCat23 t1_ivloc5o wrote

> Either there should be primaries for them, or the mayor should appoint them with the consent of the city council. Judges should not be appointed by unelected party bosses.

I always write my name in for these bc its pull and not an election. writing my name 17 times was fun.


NetQuarterLatte t1_ivlovnr wrote

I write in names like “More Candidates” if i don’t know who is in that ballot.

If I know the candidate is terrible, I vote for “Golden Retriever” or “Mickey Mouse”


ChapCat23 t1_ivlsxw4 wrote

haha I have in the past voted for different Pokémon instead of the actual candidates.


HendrixChord12 t1_ivlj21z wrote

Yea I thought that was strange. Is it not possible for a single independent to get on the ballot?


mowotlarx t1_ivmhq80 wrote

We shouldn't be electing judges anyway. Us trying to get judges to declare their political party and run on that ticket is sick.


Rottimer t1_ivm0nfr wrote

They should be appointed by the governor and approved by the legislature. Right now the process has no transparency, and thats a problem.


Free_Joty t1_ivmxzsy wrote

These past few years have convinced me that primaries are bad

We get wackos from both sides winning the low turnout primaries, and we’re stuck with shithole candidates on both sides

Look at PA senator race - a disabled man ( feel bad for him but he has no business being a senator right now, there has to be some one else in Pa better equipped for the job) vs some tv asshole

We’re stuck with SHIT. We wouldn’t have trump and Magas if established republicans just picked their presidential candidate. We wouldn’t have MTG or Herschel Walker. These fucking extreme shitholes who are engaged with politics more than the average Joe are electing grade a shit candidates.

Soon our races will be a literal fascist vs a literal communist.
