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user_joined_just_now t1_ivfld20 wrote

I'm sure it's a huge issue, but like you said, we need to address the root causes of cops committing crime by providing them with more social services and housing.

After all, punitive justice is NOT the solution to crime!


brownredgreen t1_ivfoeko wrote


Cops need education.

Maybe like, on the laws they supposedly enforce.


omgwtfbbq7 t1_ivg1me6 wrote

There’s more to it than even that. You have to make law enforcement an attractive career to get people who are well adjusted and empathetic to consider it. I don’t know what all that entails, but more work needs to be done to figure that out. You also need people in the profession that are capable of absorbing education. For the most part, I don’t think that is the case as it stands today. There’s so many cultural factors about policing as well. It’s really naive to think more education is the answer. There’s so much more to it than that.