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mowotlarx t1_iy8e13m wrote

Leave crying people alone. Unless they're asking for help, they're probably already embarrassed enough. At most hand over a tissue and say nothing.


Visible_Way_7069 t1_iy8fqti wrote

As a person who spent a few months in my 30s crying on the train after my brother died, this. All I wanted was for people to have the decency to leave the seat next to me empty on the LIRR. They did not.


mowotlarx t1_iy8gj7k wrote

I feel that. My mom died in the spring and I had a lot of weeping train moments. Thankfully everybody left me alone. I think wearing a mask helped make it less noticeable?


sausalito8 t1_iy8j8uf wrote

I’m so sorry for your loss. Hope you’re able to find comfort and support.


isthisactuallytrue t1_iyal45p wrote

Sorry about your mom. Path 2013 it was rough but then never cried on a train since.


kstarkwasp t1_iy8qnp0 wrote

I swear this is the most new york thing ever hahaha oh you're crying? Well...don't mind me I'm just going to sit my ass down right here.


Gimme_The_Loot t1_iy8x2ao wrote

Bruh I got places to be and I'm tired.


Cry all you want my beats got noise cancellation.


AnacharsisIV t1_iy95irk wrote

As a New Yorker I've sat in lots of bodily fluids on public transit seats. You think tears are gonna deter me?


ripstep1 t1_iyb4yhu wrote

Who gives a fuck? We all have places to be


jonnycash11 t1_iy8toqt wrote

Sorry for your loss.

People probably thought it was a gimmick to keep the seat next to you empty.


seenew t1_iyaw9wt wrote

way too much work to keep an empty seat when all it usually takes is a little bit of trash


C_bells t1_iybip01 wrote

My mom died in 2015, and for some reason I found I could only cry while walking around on the streets or on the train.

I’d get home and stop crying. I guess it felt kind of boring or pointless to sit and cry at home.

I hate the idea of people noticing me upset, but absolutely love crying while walking around for some reason.


eekamuse t1_iy8uplc wrote

I wish someone had given me a tissue. I ran out and was tryi g to unroll used tissues to use them again. Doesn't work


Austintatious_ t1_iyah3km wrote

I’ve been the cryer and I always appreciated the tissue. I did not plan on crying and was I’ll prepared


DemonGoddes t1_iybuwa2 wrote

100% this, tissue is a life saver esp with snot running everywhere. I would appreciate anyone handing me a tissue when I am crying, but prefer when they do not inquire into the reason.