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k1lk1 t1_ixu5lud wrote

Bike advocates see bussing as weak. Very simple.


Candid_Yam_5461 t1_ixvmqv7 wrote

Every bike advocate I know wants racks on busses and some have even actively worked on it. The MTA's answer, at least in the past, is that the extra length on the bus would be a problem fitting them all in parking at bus depots. Of course, the MTA could just put more busses in service at any given point and have less parked...


Grass8989 t1_ixvxfyv wrote

You need operators for those busses tho.


Candid_Yam_5461 t1_ixw00zt wrote

Of course yeah, any idea for improving the MTA involves throwing more money at it


RolandDeepson t1_ixwazcz wrote

No, qualified bus and school bus operators are at a planetwide shortage.

For 2 years there was reduced or suspended hiring, training, on boarding, and certifying. At the same time, there was more than 6 equivalent years of layoffs, terminations, retirements, quits, non-renewals, and yes even covid deaths.


Grass8989 t1_ixyvjkt wrote

Not to mention you’re going to be hard pressed to find people wanting to drive local busses on the overnight shift regardless of the shortage.
