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GND52 t1_iy51cl4 wrote

Love the streets that are possible when zoning doesn’t ban mixed-use.


1Czlowiek OP t1_iy5l5ck wrote

I hope it stays this way. An no Starbux.


1Czlowiek OP t1_iy5lb68 wrote

I'm thinking of making these into cards and small prints to sell from Brooklyn shops perhaps. Think they might be a nice thing for that. None sell from my website. SO better to go irl.


vincew t1_iy4zz4r wrote

That is really nice. You've got talent!


davidcj64 t1_iy64u4h wrote

no lie, that exact photo studio lab lost my film


1Czlowiek OP t1_iy85ezd wrote

I still have some film I need developed! Wonder if any place does that


shhphoenix t1_iy7pd8m wrote

my neighborhood!!! i love this


ciaoeffete t1_iy5qpq9 wrote

This is so awesome, you have a great understanding of light and ark and how to use them harmoniously. The contrast in this is so pleasing!


1Czlowiek OP t1_iy85h27 wrote

Thanks! The contrast was the hardest part to establish. Getting there.


cha614 t1_iy5z3ya wrote

What year is this reference from?


Dxkingxd t1_iy7gabp wrote

Gotta be before 2020 cause that photo/video store doesn't go by Noel anymore


1Czlowiek OP t1_iy85mbm wrote

TYpically I just walk around NYC and snap a photo of something I see, but this one I saw on Google. So I do'nt really know.


friendlyapplesauce t1_iy82sxk wrote

I used to live a few blocks from there! Moved away a little over five years ago, now. I keep meaning to go back, just to see what it's like now. It was so fun to be a part of that neighborhood when they re-opened the renovated Kings Theatre.

Absolutely love the drawing. Do you have more artwork?


1Czlowiek OP t1_iy856gu wrote

You should go back to visit!

I like to stroll through different parts of NYC and draw what I find interesting. SLowly adding more (


Traditional_Way1052 t1_iy85kxl wrote

😎 cool.

My favorite is black and white realistic.

Do you use a reference photo? or did you sketch it live and do details later?


1Czlowiek OP t1_iy85rum wrote

THanks. I just use photo references. I usually draw on my subway commute to pass the time.


Traditional_Way1052 t1_iy88jit wrote

Yeah my grandpa used to paint m, especially after he retired and he taught me about reference photos.

I remember being so excited. I can't picture things in my head so this opened up a whole new world of possibilities for me. It seems very obvious now but as a kid... Not so much lol


1Czlowiek OP t1_iy9eu9h wrote

We learn. SO sweet about your grandpa. Keep on making art!


TheG-estHoe t1_iy8dk8e wrote

This and the other drawings on your website are amazing! You should take custom requests for different streets, I would LOVE to pay for that


1Czlowiek OP t1_iy9epe3 wrote

Thank you. And that's a great idea! I'll do that. What do you think I should charge for the custom? $100?


DetlaForce2179 t1_iy6gbm5 wrote

Pay phones! Lol, I miss those. I still have no idea what was so fun to stand in front of those in the train station for hours besides watching everyone get out of school after you would get out of school.


phishyphriend t1_iy6zfy7 wrote

Love this, makes me miss Brooklyn and I'm on vacation lol