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threenamer t1_iy5gcp5 wrote

I had to leave the art world because of the ridiculously low wages. It sucks because I absolutely loved the work.


ZincMan t1_iy86avc wrote

I work with a few artists who came from working with Jeff Koons who were making $13/hr with him. Fucking obscene. They are so talented as well. Now they work as scenic artists for film making like $70/hr lol. Fuck rich artists paying real artists slave wages to make THEIR WORK and sell it for millions. It’s criminal and beyond insulting. How could you treat fellow artists so poorly ?


threenamer t1_iy8axer wrote

That’s nuts, but so true. What really got to me is the way careers were made or broken. Artists in my field were paid (or not) based on either their fuckability or access to more money.


ZincMan t1_iy8f76i wrote

Yeah it’s a total shmooze fest from what I understand. I’m glad I stayed far away from that world and still get to make a living as a painter. In the art world your fate seems to be totally in the hands of others


CydeWeys t1_iybie26 wrote

In case people don't realize why this is so crazy, Jeff Koons is a living artist worth hundreds of millions of dollars who pays people to execute on sculptures for him, and then sells it for millions. And he's only paying them minimum wage?!


iStealyournewspapers t1_iy8fp6u wrote

Christ that’s so bad. No surprise it’s a known fact assistants have stolen stuff from the studio like editions and prints. No shame in that honestly.


koreamax t1_iy5ovf0 wrote

Have you ever seen Gallery Girls?


threenamer t1_iy5yljd wrote

I have not. I imagine it’s heartbreaking.


koreamax t1_iy5ypye wrote

It's pretty funny, especially watching it now


iStealyournewspapers t1_iy8fwg3 wrote

It’s not a good example of the real art world. If I remember correctly it’s a reality show about girls working for a shitty irrelevant soho gallery.