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bernardosoares26 t1_iuefbru wrote

Reply to comment by jaimeyeah in Begging to get stomped by klausfu

keep on stompin' tho, Jaime. Do what they tell u to do. They got a right to live just as you do


jaimeyeah t1_iuegpsc wrote

I’ve done enough mushrooms to feel connected to nature too, but these things literally are invasive, kill our trees and ooze a sugary substance that enables the production of black mold.

No one forced you to contribute, but your moral superiority doesn’t help the environment lol


heycanwediscuss t1_iugtvhd wrote

I did not know about the black mold thing. Thank you. I'll start stomping . I did like one and felt bad


bernardosoares26 t1_iufip15 wrote

I understand. But think big picture: they're trying to live just as we are. Do humans help the environment or destroy it?


jaimeyeah t1_iui4l2b wrote

Again with the moral superiority, it's not helpful. Good luck.