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plants_pants t1_it903fw wrote

The DOE should just offer cultural days that anyone can take off with notice. If enough of the school system calls out, then the entire system has a day off


nycdataviz t1_itafxjb wrote

Indian Americans make up just 3% of the city’s population. So what % would be required to shut the school down? What’s difficult about this situation is that everyone loses the school day but a small number of students actually need the day off.

This is all fine as long as the days are made up. Otherwise it can become a virtually endless parade of required holidays that becomes disruptive to education, and specifically and disproportionately would affect NYC public school students because of the city’s diversity.


MonthApprehensive392 t1_itcui87 wrote

Yeah there is just no way to do this and make everyone happy. Unless schools just give up the goat and say that they don’t think days in class are important. The number of holidays and in services are already “most weeks”