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higmy6 t1_itk0ef2 wrote

So this really intrigued me and some friends. We started digging, found some other similar posts and notes that people had gotten from seemingly the same lady. It goes back as far as about 13-15 years. We were able to find out her name and her Facebook page which has similar ramblings that have allowed us to piece together a bit of a story.

The basic gist is that she used to live in Ohio but moved to NYC with her mother and brothers seemingly to escape their abusive father. They attended a catholic school, but as it seems they were Jewish she was bullied quite a lot. On top of that some sort of conspiracy with the priests being pedophiles was discovered by her, which she makes seem like her brothers were victims of. She tried to fight this and expose it but was instead framed as crazy. Eventually her father found them and beat the mother to death, which she seems to think the brothers allowed to happen. The two brothers were noted as becoming g rich from Catholic charities and somehow from the mothers death (my guess is selling her stuff) but she was left behind. To me it seems like she was abandoned on account of being crazy

She was homeless for about 15 years after her mother died going in and out of shelters and other peoples homes, some of which were people she knew from High School. This is right around when the first writings were posted online by people she gave them to. Over the years she seems to have fallen deeper and deeper into her mental illness, expedited by conspiracy theories and other crazy political notions. She makes mention of the Italian Mafia hanging around on of the places she frequently stays at as well as their being an overarching catholic pseudo mob of police, Italians, etc. it seems she went to the cops herself many times to no avail

She is clearly a deeply disturbed individual, and while it was interesting to investigate her story and thoughts, it leaves one with a bitter feeling. This woman needs help, much more than is available in this country, and I’m certain she’s not the only one


vy2005 t1_itkpk4r wrote

Tough to know which parts, if any, are real. I remember meeting a schizophrenic man who was completely convinced that he had killed his mother, who I spoke to on the phone later that day.


The_Question757 t1_itkzxri wrote

I deal with severe dementia and multitude of mental illnesses in my field. One of the nicer residents we look after had a normal conversation with me like it was nothing. he was talking about how his wife and him used to go to the theater until he saw Abraham Lincoln get assassinated the whole a roller coaster to say the least. what caught me off guard is the absolute sincerest tone they have when talking to you.


medicaldude t1_itlk04a wrote

They probably believed it, so their sincerity was real. Mental illness is a horrible thing, where the brain lies to itself


The_Question757 t1_itlmhbx wrote

Oh they must definitely do, this was my early experience with schizophrenia and severe dementia. You always hear the stories but the reality of it in your face is an eye opening experience


higmy6 t1_itkxye8 wrote

That’s entirely true and there were a lot of things that I left out because I just wasn’t convinced they were true, or at least entirely so


LeicaM6guy t1_itl0kho wrote

There’s a solid chance almost none of that was true.


higmy6 t1_itla5cj wrote

There is buy I also think there’s a solid chance that some of it is. A lot of time mental illness plays off of the most Al experiences and can be heightened by them. I don’t find it far fetched that she went through some trauma that has contributed to her illness


andagainandagain- t1_itldj8g wrote

Her Instagram has her mother’s name on it. Googled it and the obituary says that she “passed away peacefully, after a long illness”.

You are very right about her needing help and it doesn’t sit well with me either that she’s nearly guaranteed to never receive that help.


higmy6 t1_itlpid0 wrote

Oh nice! I’m glad to hear the part about her being beaten to death wasn’t true. Although now that I think of it ig she never explicitly said the man killed her, only remaking that he had severely beaten her and then remarking on her passing shortly afterwards which lead me to the wrong deduction. That still makes me wanna infer if he ever did actually get to them after moving to NYC or not though

But yeah, it’s extremely depressing to know that we have so little options for people like this and that more likely than not she’ll be left with her own disturbed thoughts


andagainandagain- t1_itlx2kt wrote

It says her husband preceded her in death, so I hope that wasn’t the case (looks like he passed in 82 and her in 2014)). It actually looks like she passed away in Ohio, so I’m curious why this person didn’t return to Ohio with her mother or other family members. An interesting and sad story nonetheless. I live in midtown, surprised I haven’t run into this woman.


higmy6 t1_itn9l1d wrote

Huh that’s interesting. I wonder if the husband was actually abusive and the mother went back to Ohio for whatever reason or that was a delusion that she created in her mind and thus prevented her from returning with them

People have been saying she’s mostly around the upper east side so there’s a chance you might run into her eventually judging by how long this has been going on


Wild_Trip_4704 t1_itkrsnf wrote

I just googled the name another commenter shared and I've seen others get similar letters from her.


higmy6 t1_itky11y wrote

Yep, the letters go back at least 15 years it looks like. Or that’s the first documented one online


DatGopherAnIdiotBro t1_itlcwyo wrote

I live on the upper east side and the same lady came up to my wife and I and handed us a very similar note. It was a photo copy of hand written notes with pictures on it. Same exact hand writing except it was much longer. Didn't really make much sense at all. She had a push cart with her that was filled with blue construction styrofoam and plastic bags. Felt really bad for her.


higmy6 t1_itlqnug wrote

It was most likely her then it seems. It’s a really sad story and just makes me angry that we don’t have a way to help people like this


DatGopherAnIdiotBro t1_itmoq1i wrote

She was an older white woman with curly white hair. Likely the same lady. Hope she is doing okay.


higmy6 t1_itn8uvx wrote

Oh yeah that’s her. Matches the pictures she had on her Facebook. She mentioned that people would help her from time to time in her ramblings, so hopefully someone will be able to get her what she needs


mrcranz t1_itm1feu wrote

i watched one of my good friends become ill with this disease. i stopped seeing him a few years ago but i still see his crazy ramblings on facebook. sucks to see it happen man


higmy6 t1_itn969r wrote

Yep, I’ve seen it happen to my uncle. Got to the point where he threatened me. And that’s from a guy that used to spend a lot of time with me. It’s really heartbreaking to see that shit happen.

A line that really made me sad in her posts was about how she went to her high school reunion and how when people would talk to her eventually they’d “look over her shoulder and leave”


Mattna-da t1_itltqco wrote

I mean, there is definitely, proven beyond doubt, a real conspiracy in the catholic church to create a pipeline of vulnerable boys to abuse, then systematically cover it up, and the entire administration is complicit. Why would this very real conspiracy not also involve some Mafioso, private detectives, and some connected, corrupt cops?
