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BrieGoneThot t1_iudlchq wrote

Done it twice with the official group in May.

It's something I suggest any able-bodied New Yorker do at least once, such a unique way to see our city. I will say for most people though you should get a few training walks in. The weeks leading up to it I start going on 12-16ish mile walks once a weekend. It really can be quite brutal, even seasoned runners struggle because the hiking aspect is a totally different animal. I don't think I would have finished either one on my own without the group support.


megulikjan OP t1_iudulk0 wrote

I would love to try it with the official group next! Will keep an eye out for the sign up.

I guess we had been unintentionally training for this..most weekends we walk 10-15 miles total. Then couple weeks ago we did the broadway walk. And even with all that, it was a lot.


BrieGoneThot t1_iuekgd7 wrote

I've always wanted to do Broadway, but spending 6 hours dodging tourists and waiting for red lights sounds like hell.


megulikjan OP t1_iuexelv wrote

After times square we walked so fast ahah, in a way the craziness made it go so much quicker. Up until then we were sightseeing.


sonder2230 t1_iuga3x2 wrote

I did the Broadway walk last weekend. I run three miles four or five times a week, thought I’d be good, legs were Hurting by the time I escaped Times Square. Power walked the entire way to Battery Park


megulikjan OP t1_iuhpp6m wrote

Yes that was exactly our experience. We went so fast after times square!


Throwawayhelp111521 t1_iufyzty wrote

Shorewalkers, the organization that sponsors The Great Saunter, always schedules several practice walks leading up to the main walk, which is the first Saturday in May.