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flightwaves t1_iugdtph wrote

No. Thanks for asking.


Gozillasbday t1_iuhz1sd wrote

Yup. We have barely done a thing, but there have been many meetings.


jmartkdr t1_iujlk5v wrote

“Whenever a headline asks a question, the answer is ‘no.’”


The_Question757 t1_iui7ap7 wrote

After seeing the hundreds of abandoned cars alongside the deegan after ida I'd give the question a resounding no


VermicelliAgile5271 t1_iuii9zg wrote

after what happened last year with IDA we are pretty badly underprepared for another large storm, much less a storm that hits as hard as sandy did. alot of the infrastructure that NYC put in place after Sandy has aged out and become obsolete as alot of these assets were purchased almost ten years ago and have not been used since. DOT put some special porous pavement down in flood prone areas but they are currently looking for ways to maintain that pavement.


TeamMisha t1_iuizex2 wrote

I don't need to open the article to know the answer is no. Investing in wastewater capacity, sewers, and coastal flood protection is not sexy. Politicians only like sexy projects, something big and shiny. Moving poop and rainwater under the streets is not sexy (except to stormwater engineering enthusiasts). Closing off most of FIDI's eastern promenade to build flood protection seems to be quite disliked too. Admitting that the MTA paid for rain water protections and then did not train crews or maintain equipment was a shitshow too. They'd rather just admit they are too lazy to do anything, let the poop water flow into the stations and then ask the federal government for a disaster bailout.


Hrekires t1_iukb9r1 wrote

My company moved our computers from the basement to the third floor, that counts right?


OutrageousGarbage743 t1_iug7bcn wrote

You can’t stop Mother Nature


JDHog528 t1_iuja1zx wrote

Sandy will never happen again in our lifetime. It was a hundred year storm. Hurricanes don’t come up the east coast, stop on a dime and then make a 90° left turn and come inland straight on to the central coast of NJ.