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ImJustHereToAnnoyJK t1_isxfeg2 wrote

Excellent way of explaining it. Plus, many people are asthmatic and of course any secondhand smoke is bad, which is even worse for asthmatics. I have asthma myself and whenever I come across people smoking anything in public, I’m forced to take a different route, otherwise I run the risk of having an asthma attack due to other people’s smoke.

My health and that of other asthmatic family members got so much better in the late 1990s when most places finally banned cigarette smoking in public. With this push of trying to force the public to accept weed smoke everywhere in public, it feels like we went backwards because we swapped one type of smoke for another. I know people who legitimately use MJ for medical purposes, and I also don’t care if people use it in private, but the moment it’s forced onto someone else and affects them is when it’s no bueno.