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BrieGoneThot t1_ist8mcu wrote

I like weed as much as the next guy but if I'm just trying to relax and someone is smoking some dank shit next to me it's really fucking annoying.


lupuscapabilis t1_istltbi wrote

If we're gonna talk about things in NY that annoy us, this thread is gonna get really long. Also, there are many places to relax where you can avoid someone smoking weed.


ImJustHereToAnnoyJK t1_isxeu7v wrote

Can’t avoid it if you’re walking down the sidewalk literally everywhere in public. We worked since the 1950s onward on banning cigarette smoke in public due to the dangers and effects of secondhand smoke. Now we should just replace that issue for the issue of secondhand pot smoke which is also carcinogenic and smells terrible? People miss me with that logic.


omeganemesis28 t1_itb97e8 wrote

Even as a user myself, I hate the smell too. I try to be discreet where possible, and mostly vape dry herb to try to curb smell.

However, I don't think its replacing smoking cigarettes with another problem. As far as I'm aware and think I have read, such as my license, we have the same restrictions as any cigarettes smoker. I thought there's no distinction in the legalise. Enforcement and people being assholes is another issue for sure though. Please do correct me if I'm mistaken though. It came to mind recently since I walk home by a school and that's definitely in there as a restriction, 1000ft or something no use zone in NY


ImJustHereToAnnoyJK t1_itbrgsu wrote

I’m not entirely sure tbh, but what I think makes it worse is when politicians like this mayor encourage it with stunts like this. Good on you though for thinking about other people. My BIL uses MJ for anxiety, but like you he only uses it when no one is around. Idk why these other folks in NYC think otherwise. I’ve seen some dbags purposely blow their pot smoke at families when walking by, crazy times my dude.


SleepyHobo t1_it3cdy5 wrote

> Also, there are many places to relax where you can avoid someone smoking weed.

There are many places to smoke where you can avoid inconveniencing others around you. No need to force others to inhale your 2nd-hand smoke. You’re not special and shall be treated as strictly as cigarette smokers.


fukwhutuheard t1_isu3fyp wrote

cigarette smoke irritates me way more than weed.


Atwenfor t1_isvfmjp wrote

Doesn't make unwanted grass smoke any more palatable.


ShippingPlusTax t1_isu6etb wrote

On the train is the worst, especially when they decide to light up in the middle of two express stops


Sadgirl49 t1_isufnbf wrote

Yesssss thisss! I’m a smoker and it’s so disrespectful to smoke in the subway car even I hate it.


REIRN t1_isvdehv wrote

Disrespectful? It’s down right fucked up. There’s kids on the train. It’s packed with all different kinds of people who may not want to be/shouldn’t be exposed to a fucking hot box session. Do it outside and away from other people.


ShippingPlusTax t1_isugix6 wrote

Yea I used to smoke so I get it but I don’t get it when they do it in a subway cart like how is that enjoyable??


BarriBlue t1_isvgxv2 wrote

My elementary school classroom reeked for a little but during the day. I had the window open.


m1kasa4ckerman t1_isu4jl7 wrote

Yeah I feel the same way about cigars and cigarettes and I have asthma. So I just walk away if someone smokes next to me


ImJustHereToAnnoyJK t1_isxebgn wrote

This is what boggles my mind. As a nation, we spent decades, from the 1950s onwards, on working towards banning cigarette smoke in public, so as to protect the health of the general public from second hand smoke.

Now the govt wants to legalize marijuana so that people can smoke it anywhere in public as if it also doesn’t produce second hand smoke. We know by now that any sort of smoke is carcinogenic and dangerous to breathe in, it doesn’t matter how it’s produced or where it comes from. Yet weed smokers and pro-weed politicians act like everyone should now have to breathe it in and smell it everywhere they go, it’s insane.

Idc if people want to use MJ on their own time in private, but don’t force others to breathe and smell it everywhere they go. The air quality in NYC is already bad enough, we don’t need to go back to 1950s levels of smoke throughout the city…and idk about anyone else, but weed smokers in public are the most insufferable, rude little shits because they act like it’s their God given right to ruin everyone else’s health, and they do not care where they light up. I’ve seen assholes purposely puff weed smoke into the air as they pass families and kids, I’m so over this shit already.

I have asthma myself, as do other family members, and all this legalizing of smoking pot everywhere in public just certifies that people’s health is a second class citizen in NYC.


m1kasa4ckerman t1_isxm3bl wrote

So, you’d rather people smoke weed in their apartments vs outside in the open air?


BusterBaxtr t1_it0r869 wrote

Do it somewhere where you're not bothering other people. Wherever that is is not my fucking problem


xbubblegum_bitch t1_isu63bs wrote

it sounds as if you don’t like weed as much as the next guy.


BrieGoneThot t1_isug4jx wrote

The bong on my coffee table says otherwise. As does the giant air purifier to deal with the smoke.


xbubblegum_bitch t1_isugzok wrote

so why is it “really fucking annoying” when someone is smoking it nearby? you wrote that you’re just trying to relax, but as a fellow weed smoker, I’m actually happy for people when I smell them smoking good weed. what makes it annoying for you, if you already love the plant enough to smoke it yourself?


DamagedSquare t1_iswqhlr wrote

It's like smelling someone else's food on the subway, sure we all enjoy eating and think our own food smells good. But when you're forced to smell someone else's it's obnoxious. Smoke in the privacy of your home or in appropriate areas it's not a big ask.


ImJustHereToAnnoyJK t1_isxfeg2 wrote

Excellent way of explaining it. Plus, many people are asthmatic and of course any secondhand smoke is bad, which is even worse for asthmatics. I have asthma myself and whenever I come across people smoking anything in public, I’m forced to take a different route, otherwise I run the risk of having an asthma attack due to other people’s smoke.

My health and that of other asthmatic family members got so much better in the late 1990s when most places finally banned cigarette smoking in public. With this push of trying to force the public to accept weed smoke everywhere in public, it feels like we went backwards because we swapped one type of smoke for another. I know people who legitimately use MJ for medical purposes, and I also don’t care if people use it in private, but the moment it’s forced onto someone else and affects them is when it’s no bueno.


ZambiGames t1_istnm2x wrote

We’ve had to deal with publicly intoxicated wackos for decades, not to mention drunk drivers all over the place. You draw the line at weed smell?


BrieGoneThot t1_istp518 wrote

Don't put words in my mouth.

I said it's annoying. Weed people like to claim all their shit never bothers anyone.


[deleted] t1_isury2j wrote



ripstep1 t1_isvineb wrote

How is he putting words in anyone’s mouth? He was the first person to comment.


Oo0o8o0oO t1_isu9hkk wrote

I think it does a great job of covering up the piss smell tbh.


ZambiGames t1_isuj2ap wrote

Someone who replied to me prefers the smell of bums drinking on the park bench / vomit / piss aroma rather than weed


KetoIsKool t1_isyki2s wrote

idk man, they both have DEPTH to their smell, i think they're similar enough that they'll just combine to create a super stink


Atwenfor t1_isvgfo9 wrote

Why not just face that both are bad, in their own way? Unruly drunks can be a real menace (as opposed to bud smokers, aside from extremely rare exceptions); on the other hand, you cannot get contact drunk from a public drinker, bud you can def get a contact high from anyone smoking next to you (and far from all of us would like that), or people just might not appreciate the smell or inhaling someone else's smoke. Same goes for cigarettes.

Can we just all agree that all three are shitty whey they cause a significant nuisance for others?


k1lk1 t1_isttvo2 wrote

A drunk passed out on a park bench doesn't affect me, someone smoking does.


XXJim_LaheyXX t1_istwklf wrote

Neither affect you 😱

The car exhaust and industrial pollution is actually killing us though


Aneeki t1_isu51a2 wrote

Huh? Weed stinks up half a street. You’d have to be way closer to a drunk.


frishdaddy t1_isuqm0w wrote

Producing any strong smell in a crowded public area is rude. It’s not a weed thing, it’s just a being considerate of others thing, which New Yorkers seem to have an especially hard time with.


omeganemesis28 t1_itb8sx7 wrote

puts some fish in the microwave at the office

Are ya ready kids?


n0t-again t1_isu16gc wrote

Right. Especially if they are bold enough to smoke some of the good shit in public. The rule is puff puff give damit.


[deleted] t1_istd2fo wrote



BrieGoneThot t1_istdaq4 wrote

Was the racial slur a requirement for this comment?


[deleted] t1_istdpv2 wrote

was referring to a dry thin crispy baked bread product that may be leavened or unleavened


lupuscapabilis t1_istlywn wrote

Fuck off, racist


[deleted] t1_istniox wrote

had a look at your comment history. bro you are a fucking nativist hoot. this was one of my favs:

>We probably have more varieties of peanut butter than you have beer.


aaronabsent t1_isti1xy wrote

new yorkers used to mind their business.
