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bittoxic00 t1_jdnhq34 wrote

I think for one no teachers would line up to teach a room of terrible kids who might assault or otherwise shoot them as we just saw a 6 year old do.


mdervin t1_jdoagn1 wrote

And you want to put those teacher-shooting kids in the same classroom as kids who want to learn? What kind of monster are you?


bittoxic00 t1_jdohqyx wrote

Just for the record, no, they need to have better methods to teach and handle specific children


mdervin t1_jdokvqe wrote

What are those methods?


bittoxic00 t1_jdon39g wrote

Specialized attention to their needs, therapy, remedial math and English. Have you seen the stats on what percentage of students can perform either at their grade level?


mdervin t1_jdrr40z wrote

That doesn't seem so difficult to do. I wonder why the Board Of Ed won't do it?


bittoxic00 t1_jdrziiw wrote

It would cost additional teachers and funding


mdervin t1_jdsce4s wrote

So because you don't want to pay more in taxes, you want to force poor kids to go to shitty schools with dangerous kids? Once again, what kind of monster are you?


bittoxic00 t1_jdsd3v8 wrote

Lol, who said I paid any taxes


mdervin t1_jdsiai7 wrote

and now we know why the schools are underfunded, because of people like you.


bittoxic00 t1_jdsisqv wrote

Last year I didn’t pay my 3 billion in tax, I figured why do it