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AnacharsisIV t1_jdi9ta8 wrote

I didn't go to a charter, but I went to a SHSAT school that also didn't have to have ESL or special ed classes or students and my experience going from middle to high school was night and day. Do you understand how much a boon it is to your mental health to no longer worry about being bitten by your fellow student, or to go to a class and everyone is there to actually learn instead of acting out in class? If charter schools are the only way other students can get the experience I had, fucking let them.

Children who need special resources and care are entitled to them, and I hope public schools continue to be able to give that to them, but there is absolutely no reason why other students have to be subjected to them and have their quality of education be attenuated.


Slime_Giant t1_jdiiasm wrote

Lolol, is your point here "public schools should only be for the freaks"?


AnacharsisIV t1_jdijt5e wrote

If the government isn't going to make public schools better, that's what's going to happen regardless of whether or not I want it.

What I do believe is that it's entirely just and fair for parents and students to choose who they learn with, as long as the state curriculum is followed (IE, don't just put your kids in a religious school and refuse to teach science and math). Unfortunately, too many American families and students don't have that choice.


GoRangers5 t1_jdipb4u wrote

The “freaks” should be allowed to do something else because conventional schooling doesn’t put them in a position to succeed.


_the_credible_hulk_ t1_jdildym wrote

Philadelphia gutted its public school system in favor of charters. So did the entire state of Louisiana. You should check out how they’re doing.


bittoxic00 t1_jdj4ka3 wrote

Because all levels were mixed again, people need to be taught to their ability. If someone is struggling they should get remedial help instead of social promotion and disruption


_the_credible_hulk_ t1_jdk987g wrote

Career educator? No? I thought not.


bittoxic00 t1_jdka7xq wrote

So instead of holding someone back or getting them a more suited education the trick is to push them to the next grade onto a different teacher who now has to deal with both disruptions and retreading material wasting every other students time and then eventually dumping them on the world, uneducated and unprepared for all but the lowest prospects


_the_credible_hulk_ t1_jdkaw65 wrote

So many members of the public believe that they’re experts in education because they went to public high school. You’re not.

You’re also arguing against a position I have not espoused. Please just stop.


bittoxic00 t1_jdkbbfq wrote

I’m not a helicopter pilot but if I see one in a tree I know there’s been a critical error


_the_credible_hulk_ t1_jdnmuhs wrote

Have you actually seen the tree, though? When was the last time you set foot in any public school in NYC, let alone more than a single one?


bittoxic00 t1_jdj95dv wrote

All these parents want their kids to be forced into classes with children they would tell their kids to stay away from after school