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n3vd0g t1_jcga0at wrote

  1. Vienna’s city government owns and manages 220,000 housing units, which represent about 25 percent of the city’s housing stock. Not suggesting all, but would like a substantial amount.

  2. Excuses. No reason we can’t work for a better government

  3. Yeah in that it regulates stock to maintain affordability and availability and allows for government ownership of dignified low income housing

  4. You really think the current rental prices aren’t already theft from one generation to another? Regardless, this is what social security is supposed to be for. We shouldn’t be encouraging owning rental properties as a means to retirement. Retirement should be a guaranteed right, but not like this. Regardless, this is unsustainable and I’m not going to cry over lost profits since society would still be for the better. Like come on man


JX_JR t1_jchuqus wrote

New York's city government owns and manages 178,684 units, about 6% of the housing stock. They manage it exceptionally poorly, nobody wants to live there, and they are routinely sued for their inability to keep units in repair and supplied with heat and hot water.