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CactusBoyScout t1_jcfylhm wrote

Unfortunately virtually every major city says the same thing and that’s why this is a problem nationwide. People can’t just all move to Utica where the lackluster economy is the reason for the cheap rent.

Every city/state that saw the slightest influx of people during the pandemic is now saying the same thing: Don’t come here.

It’s not a realistic response to increased demand. Just have to build more housing.


ejpusa t1_jcg1lgn wrote

On Zillow my UES is a sea of rentals. The average income is well into the 6 figures.

People want $700 a month apartment, it’s unrealistic, but it’s their hill to die on for them.

NYC has the greatest amenities in the world, to have that all $0? Just don’t that’s possible. Figure that should average out to about $50 extra a day vs living in Cincinnati.


tonka737 t1_jci9sfy wrote

Wouldn't Dubai have greater amenities?