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mowotlarx t1_jdyisxn wrote

>you think that's fair

Yes. Because defendants have a right to see evidence in a case against them. The courts shouldn't be a trial mill. These are people's lives we are judging. And I certainly don't think we should trust a prosecutor to judge what evidence is valuable or not to the defense.


KaiDaiz t1_jdyl1k5 wrote

what evidence used against them? said missing piece not even called as a witness/evidence against the accused....there's a reason why it wasn't collected the first place and presented to court in timely one care for was not important to case and not plan to use against accused


mowotlarx t1_jdzklsh wrote

It was not important to the prosecution. That doesn't mean it's not important to the defense. Given the track record of prosecutors withholding evidence from the defense, I would never trust the word of a prosecutor on what is relevant or not.


KaiDaiz t1_je014a1 wrote

how is it important for the defense for statements for someone not even present at the crime/incident? seriously running circles...its only important bc they can claim failure to dot the I to toss entire case.

again...something like this shouldn't toss the entire case since entire prosecution not based on it. let it go to trial, let the jury decide? whats the fear? you get your day in court same with the people vs tossing things on technicality. just don't allow it as evidence against the accused...that's the fair approach. but nope...dolts like you think otherwise
