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heystarkid t1_jbjktlq wrote

There’s no way they’ll pass the extra cost down to the consumer? That’s exactly what they’ll do. Uber makes users pay the congestion surcharge if you travel below 96th st.


CGNYC t1_jbjr17a wrote

These delivery services are not a necessity… if the cost of them go up to make the drivers job halfway decent while making it fair to the community in which these rest stops are, I have no problem with that. If paying delivery fees and service charges are not within your budget, pick up.


heystarkid t1_jbjswlv wrote

I agree! Just wanted to point out that it’s unrealistic to think that it wouldn’t be passed down to the consumers.


MobileJackfruit8 t1_jbkzwdu wrote

Yep. Of course they will. When VC money starts to run out and companies need to turn a profit the prices go up. Happened with ride share and will happen/is happening with food delivery