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CensorshipIsTheDevil t1_j9wjv66 wrote

They want it for the money, they’re going for the big one 100%. Don’t be stupid


TeamMisha t1_j9wkm47 wrote

I think you misunderstand. The scenarios all result in the legislated revenue of $1 billion. The MTA does not gain or lose anything based on which scenario they choose, they are all designed around recovering $1b. The end goal is not to maximize revenue, they forecasted and created these toll schemes using three goals: Reduce vehicle miles travelled by 5%, reduce inbound volume to the CBD by 10%, and meet the required revenue stipulated by the legislation. The scenarios will all vary how much the vehicle goals are met, but the end result is based around the required revenue. The biggest toll scenario is not necessarily the best option, that's why they came up with many scenarios.


CensorshipIsTheDevil t1_j9wpue5 wrote

Ok, you obviously don’t know New York politics. Their one and only goal is to extract as much revenue from their constituents as possible. End of story


TeamMisha t1_j9wuaal wrote

I don't think it's the end of the story when that doesn't seem to be the MTA's goal with the study. If that were the case they would have studied more aggressive scenarios. Who is "they" in your proposition exactly?


CensorshipIsTheDevil t1_j9wwyqa wrote

The government. From the MTA to the city council to our senators. It’s across the board, they want more of our money to buy themselves power