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twix4959 t1_j97tsta wrote

Lol ok aggressive responder. So I’m a man so I guess that makes me a Kevin.

Couple things: 1) they’re asking anonymously for advice in a forum so I don’t think you need to get offended on the complainers behalf. We have no idea who that person is. 2) they admitted playing in the hallway was wrong and said they’re working on being quiet with their kids when they go to the elevator so they are reflecting on their actions.

Ok and by your own admission you do chat in the hallway? How do you know it’s an inside voice and your voice isn’t carrying or whoever you’re talking tos voice isn’t carrying? You’ve never had guests over? Do they ever make noise coming in or out of your apt? Like I said earlier. I have young kids and we do our best but sometimes they make noise in the hall going to or from the elevator just like you do when you have these “whisper chats” you’re talking about.

I agree people should not be congregating and chatting in the hallway. If you’re having 10-15 people stop and chat in the hallway in your building talking about lunch then you should definitely complain. Unlike this scenario this person is being mindful of peace and quiet because they are saying they are trying to keep their kids quiet on the walk from the elevator and they seem to want to avoid another complaint.


dude707LoL t1_j97vn75 wrote

Ok Kevin. The response you give is very typical of people with kids. Everyone should just make a concession for your children's sake.

I talk in the hallway while I walk with inside voice. In fact I make sure to almost whisper. And when I have people over, I wait to talk to them in the apartment. I keep it to a minimum because I understand how annoying it is for people who live in an apartment where your neighbors cannot stop yapping. I don't see the need to yap with whoever I'm with while in the hallway.

I think it's a waste of time talking to people like you. We will not agree on this subject. As I said in a previous message, just keep it down and do that right thing. You're not the center of attention here and people shouldn't have to live with your child related stress/issue/drama/joy.


twix4959 t1_j97xxtq wrote

Ok first of all. I’m sorry this upsets you so much you have to resort to name calling

Second of all, you’re right that we’re not going to agree. You should angrily whisper about it the next time someone comes to visit your silent apt building.


dude707LoL t1_j97znzn wrote

Yes I'm really fed up with entitled people with kids who think their kids are the bestest angels who can do no wrong.

I really enjoy the silence of my building now because my neighbors don't have kids.


twix4959 t1_j97zqho wrote

Great- so it sounds like this isn’t an issue for you! But on behalf of other people living in nyc with kids I promise you most of us are doing our best to raise good kids and be respectful of our neighbors.