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Karrick t1_jac8yc5 wrote

People in here bitching about the added cost but ignoring the fact that they're putting them in new locations and parks are not just blanketed in usable water and power lines.

>Parks Department spokesperson Meghan Lalor said the budgeted Portland Loo price tag included costs for running new electric and water lines to the units, along with prep work, foundation work and other construction needs. >...

>“We are installing Portland Loos in one park in each borough, in areas specifically chosen because they did not previously have bathrooms,” said Lalor.

Of course that shit's going to inflate the cost, you need to tap into water and electric from either inside the park or from the street. That's going to likely require digging a new trench, buying and laying new pipe and conduit, pouring a concrete pad and nevermind what might be in the way of all that work now.