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huebomont t1_j7mymv1 wrote

We’re not “bringing them in”. They’re coming here or being shipped here. I’m arguing for building housing (a long term solution) and expanding shelters (a short term one.)

We don’t need to house these people indefinitely for free but it’s ridiculous to say we don’t have the resources to provide infrastructure to give them a landing place for a week or two while they figure out their final landing place. These people aren’t coming here expecting free room and board for life, they have a plan and then some asshole in Texas ships them here and they don’t know where they are or how to get where they wanted to go. We can give them a place to regroup and also work on having enough housing so that they can afford the rent if they want to stay, along with everyone else who wants to live here.

If you think that’s fantasyland then I’m not sure what kind of positive vision for the city you possibly have because it really isn’t that imaginative.


flightwaves t1_j7myu0l wrote

> These people aren’t coming here expecting free room and board for life, they have a plan and then some asshole in Texas ships them here and they don’t know where they are or how to get where they wanted to go.



huebomont t1_j7myz6z wrote

dude, catch up on the news, starting with the article this whole comment section is about.


flightwaves t1_j7mzjlx wrote

Nah you keep with the news. These people are making asylum claims but very few of them actually qualify for asylum. They're coming for work and to send money home which itself isn't a bad thing except we don't got the space to house them and we can't keep opening up shelters for them.