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Topher1999 t1_ja7q3by wrote

As much as I’d like Kathy Hochul to nationalize office buildings, property owners are pretty relevant in this discussion.


korpus01 t1_ja7umm3 wrote

I think the reference is that the property owners have many thoughts, even more desires, a million of ideas, and it seems time to mulch over them. Which is another way of saying chewing fat.

However, I would imagine when your money and investments are on the line, while it is prudent to concider all possibilities in order to make the best economic decision, some sort of decision is better than loosing value or potential revenue for every day that a decision is not reached.

In other words, measure twice or thrice, perhaps thirty times if needed, but cut once.


TheAJx t1_ja88juf wrote

I would probably want to learn the thoughts and motivations of a business that has a significant impact on my life, especially since this vertical is my number cost of living expense.

It's okay to learn something, and take facts and thoughts into consideration. I promise you, it's fine.


marketingguy420 t1_ja85tpr wrote

It's sad how limited our civic imagination is these days. Because you're right, we should just nationalize the buildings and begin conversion right now. Instead, this will drag on for years, and years, and years.


jumbod666 t1_ja86z3n wrote

Can’t nationalize office buildings. First we aren’t communist. Second the US constitution calls for compensation upon the taking of property.


asah t1_ja8dx69 wrote

what's FMV on an empty, money-losing office building with zero prospects ? $1 ?


GettingPhysicl t1_ja8gisv wrote

we are whatever enough of us vote to be. fly the red flag high comrade

no but really nationalizing them is too much work. remove tax incentives for office buildings, fix the zoning and regulatory issues with conversions. after that the business owners can make their own decisions. if its keeping buildings we dont particularly need at a loss, thats kinda their business. but dont reward them for it