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stooopidazz t1_j7o3893 wrote

To counter your point, there are city personnel whose job is to make multiple site visits a day (inspectors, construction personnel, etc.) Instead of filing paperwork for every meter paid, and the processing it takes to get reimbursed, the placard saves time on city resources. It also allows quicker parking so they can get business done and spend less time in their cars.

These actual legitimate placards only apply in ‘No Parking’ and meter zones. Unfortunately everyone lumps them with all the cops that abuse their fake ones on bike lanes and crosswalks.


LyushkaPushka t1_j7o8j87 wrote

I understand your point and it makes sense. But those people should be using official vehicles with the logo of their organization. If that's not a rule, make it one. Only then should placards be acceptable.