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Rottimer t1_j6v4xf6 wrote

You talking about the guy that was released and charges dropped once the investigation made it clear he acted in self defense? Sounds like his life did matter.


No_Recommendation929 t1_j6v59sy wrote

Talking about the guy who was intimidated into exile because he defended himself against one of Bragg’s goons

EDIT: Two of Bragg’s goons. The woman who sent her boyfriend to attack Jose Alba is just as guilty as the man here. She was never charged.


Rottimer t1_j6v7ntc wrote

>Bragg’s goons

Yeah. You’re too far gone. Maybe this city isn’t for you.


No_Recommendation929 t1_j6v8cyl wrote

Do you think this is “your city” and that everybody else is your sidekick and has to agree with everything you say or else you declare them “too far gone”? Maybe it’s you who should leave.

I’m Jewish, I’m Latino and I’m Queer. This is the city my communities live in. Communities that are being targeted every day by Bragg’s homophobic and xenophobic goons. Guess what, they’re also targeting the Asian community and the Black community. This is a city of immigrants and queer people. No one is kicking us out. We are standing our ground.