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CarlCarbonite t1_j6tf8an wrote

Part of the reason the Roman Empire sank was due to mass migration. It’s a problem that has no good solution. The issue majorly is that these people are not very employable, so they are at the mercy of what the state gives them. Each migrant right now costs more per month than the average income earned per New Yorker. It’s absolutely unsustainable. I’m all for helping people when I can, I get it, it’s a crisis. This can however bring NY and maybe the US to its knees. Even with affordable housing, NYC is one of the most expensive places to live in the world. So even if we gave every migrant a home, they would still require classes to learn the language, learn a trade or find a way to get a job. The issues can pile up through the ceiling. Sad truth of it all.


Henry1502inc t1_j6x7ws9 wrote

My understanding of one of many reasons it fell was because they had been outsourcing their military and eventually got weak on that from. They also suffered from a weak ruler. Immigration didn’t even make the top list


CyanCazador t1_j6un9cl wrote

The Roman Empire didn’t sink due to mass migration. That’s just an alt-right dog whistle. The empire fell because the city of Rome became less and less relevant as time went on. The Roman Empire became the Byzantine Empire which was still just as powerful and influential at that time.


milkdudsinmyanus t1_j6v6hi6 wrote

The Roman Empire fell for many reasons not just one. Mass immigration was a big reason. Try reading a book once in a while.


CyanCazador t1_j6vfaw8 wrote

I mean sure if you consider the abuse of the Visigoth tribes by Western Roman officials such starving them and selling them into slavery which inevitably caused them to rise up as an issue with immigration then yeah you are correct.


koreamax t1_j6w38bw wrote

It became less relevant because of encroaching Germanic invaders. I don't agree with the previous comment that it was because of immigration, though.


Yongle_Emperor t1_j735kyw wrote

There’s no such thing as “Byzantine” empire. It was always the Roman Empire.


CyanCazador t1_j73798p wrote

I agree, that’s kinda the point. The Roman Empire really never fell.