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Kadaven t1_j9fh5pd wrote

The NYTimes has an article today regarding battery fires:

Gotta love the delivery worker advocate arguing that other devices use lithium -ion batteries too, so the City shouldn't try to regulate them.

I had a E-bike store move in down the street to my apartment some 2 years ago. It burnt down last year - the fire was so hot that it melted/deformed the building.

While I'm sympathetic to delivery drivers, their job existed prior to the invention of E-bikes, they can manage with reasonable regulation.

The state needs to actively regulate E-bikes. They are covered under the VTL as it stands. I'm afraid there's going to need to be a fire with terrible consequences before the government does anything, though.


wasthespyingendless t1_j9fmbkq wrote

Yeah, if they regulate the batteries, then the ranges will decrease. The delivery apps will adapt their algorithms, or prices will increase slightly. That all seems okay to me.