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baeb66 t1_j5eucwk wrote

And once again behavior that would get you instantly fired from a Burger King earns these cops "modified duty".


phatassgato t1_j5eulzy wrote

The importance of unions!


DamnBunny t1_j5fx6v6 wrote

misread that as Onions.


criticalpwnage t1_j5fxejr wrote

Onions are very important at Burger King. The last thing you want to do is get bodily fluids all over them


DamnBunny t1_j5fzvxc wrote

True, Beef and Onion. What a perfect Onion <3


n0tAgOat t1_j5gqwt1 wrote

The irony of people that rely on unions voting for the party that's against unions!


LogCareful7780 t1_j5hr1o9 wrote

Why police shouldn't be allowed to have unions


ThePu55yDestr0yr t1_j5j8qce wrote

Cus they bust other unions

Also the rampant abuse of power

Also government bias already towards cops legally and politically


AllTheSingleCheeses t1_j5jzciq wrote

Police should be in the same union as other city employees. Waste management is actually more dangerous than police work, there is no reason for cops to have a separate union that is allowed to bully the mayor


RevelScum t1_j5fncn5 wrote

Except the police Except the police Except the police Except the police Except the police Unions for All Except the police Except the police Except the police Except the police Except the police


DamnBunny t1_j5fwzm7 wrote

I am sitting in the back of the car, not eating it. But I understand, I don't want to be sitting in someone's love stink while they look up my record either.


Mitthrawnuruo t1_j5gz5d3 wrote

They were off duty and in a privately owned car.


Askesis1017 t1_j5ijmn3 wrote

...disturbing the peace and public indecency, while at least one of them is cheating on their spouse.


baeb66 t1_j5gzrdn wrote

On property owned by the city. Which would get you fired by any employer anywhere.


Ma1eficent t1_j5hapx4 wrote

Lol, office jobs are full of people fucking and getting caught and getting off with a written warning.


dmk_aus t1_j5i7jzr wrote

Well and potentially arrested too.


Ape_001 t1_j5hqg3a wrote

If that was the case for civilians they would be arrested for disorderly conduct, resisting arrest without violence, and obstruction.

That's assuming that upon being discovered by police they complied with all directions. If they didn't immediately comply they would be met with potentially lethal violence.

The police will not care if you are off duty and in a privately owned car.


DemandyMcDemanderson t1_j5ezdpd wrote

The police fuck.... wait no that's not the right lyric


menlindorn t1_j5f0ten wrote

If you have a problem, and you call the cops - now you have two problems.

And also, evidently, an orgy.


RPDRNick t1_j5f376r wrote

ACAB - All Cops Are Banging


greatwhitenorth2022 t1_j5f3yq6 wrote

Maybe this is more widespread than we'd thought.


Caledric t1_j5gb7hn wrote

As someone who was in Law enforcement for over 10 years... this is a very very very very common thing. You are less likely to find someone who hasn't cheated with another officer or inmate then you are to find one who has.


westdl t1_j5ezzgl wrote

Civilian: What ya doing there officers?

Officers: Just polishing the old pistol.


droidtime t1_j5exkh6 wrote

Such a high standard of integrity


whiteboyfrmdao t1_j5fmj43 wrote

Did they at least use the handcuffs?🧐


goblazers1991 t1_j5gdq8k wrote

What's up with cops fucking on shift all the time now ???


johnny2rotten t1_j5ffy0h wrote

That former officer from Tennessee infiltrated NYPD already?


DaFuqIzGwinzOn t1_j5j9icn wrote

Say car ramrod

Also: there was a time when we would take guys like this out back and beat them with a rubber hose but now you got your goddamn unions.


Crooked_Cock t1_j5pxvwk wrote

“I’m coming to her location”

“But I didn’t tell you where I am”

“Oh, I wasn’t referring to the screaming lady”


sweetspookydoll t1_j6e3zw2 wrote

But if I do this, I risk getting arrested, charged with public indecency, and put on a sex offenders list. Fuck the police.


weirdlybeardy t1_j5fqah9 wrote

How’d you like some pork in that taco?


19cva t1_j5j15fy wrote

Hard to be discrete with a screamer, just saying


tenuto40 t1_j5j390t wrote

Someone waived their right to remain silent.


Express-Accountant75 t1_j5g74qi wrote

So can we take the funds from defunding police to get these wackos a hotel or something? they clearly have nothing occupying themselves these days.


ShadowDragon8685 t1_j5gzamx wrote

Oh, come off it. "Fucking in a car" is about as American as baseball and apple pie.

And unlike "home ownership" it's still a theoretically-attainable American Dream these days.


coolluck33 t1_j5gbwnv wrote

The good news is that at least it was a girl & a guy, & hopefully consensual...


Iyakinthos t1_j5gxlov wrote

If it was two guys or two girls that would be an issue?


coolluck33 t1_j5gyagx wrote

2 guys & everyone would freak out 2 girls & they'd want videos...
