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Sure_Trash_ t1_j5el8zh wrote

After one drink, I wouldn't question shit because you can barely feel it. This chick had way, way more than a single drink. If I'm going out, I have 2-3 ciders max depending on the size that's served and how many hours I'm out and about. The idea that you can't have any at all and still drive seems like it's coming from people that don't drink at all and don't know how it affects people.


Oggel t1_j5es7m2 wrote

You can disagree with the clinical studies done on the subject all you want, I'm sure your intuition is better than the scientific consensus.


awesomesauce1030 t1_j5eygf5 wrote

Do you have links to the studies that show that?


Oggel t1_j5f4vwf wrote

I just googled "is it safe to drive after one beer", you can too!
