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raichiha t1_j5dxmha wrote

Even down here in America its a risky business, one of my local bars had their liquor license revoked entirely due to over serving, after not one but two occasions of drunk patrons leaving their bar crashed their cars and died. Theres definitely a degree of responsibility


corsicanguppy t1_j5e46kb wrote

>Theres definitely a degree of responsibility

... in America.

Hey, fun thought. How about adults take responsibility for themselves? No one forced her into her car. Cabs are a thing.

I don't know if she has a license any longer, but I sure hope she retires before she gets it back.


Overbaron t1_j5eh3ev wrote

Yeah, if I buy a case of beer, drink it all, drive around with my bike and take out my hammer and smash car windows with it, are the supermarket, bike store and hardware store responsible?


Loko8765 t1_j5ec857 wrote

Maybe she has a license, but finding an insurance company will not be easy!


JustNotMe_ t1_j5e9fxx wrote

What about guns? Does have the seller or manufacturer any responsibility? So why the bar has?


bigsoftee84 t1_j5ek5ss wrote

Try reading this and ask yourself if it makes sense to a person reading it in English.


JustNotMe_ t1_j5gbhhm wrote

I think I misplaced "have". But why the down votes? :/


bigsoftee84 t1_j5gguz2 wrote

Read it aloud. It doesn't make sense as written. It's also being downvoted because it's an unrelated issue. Most arguments for manufacturer responsibility that I've seen revolve around advertising and creating a certain image.


Gobaxnova t1_j5e3pd9 wrote

I don’t get it. They’re adults and know their limits and not to drive drunk. The bar shouldn’t bare responsibility for that


waltsnider1 t1_j5ecfo5 wrote



Asatas t1_j5ep510 wrote

There, there. Their they're there was their they're and not your they're.


raichiha t1_j5f0e58 wrote

Thank you for that meaningful contribution to the conversation.


waltsnider1 t1_j5f7uiy wrote

I'm trying to teach you the correct spelling. I feel that that is meaningful. It's only going to help you grow in the future.


raichiha t1_j5f87bo wrote

Its not that i misspelled, i used the wrong form because i wasn’t really putting much thought into it. I’m aware of the different forms of there, they’re, & their, which one is possessive which one is a contraction, etc. its just not that serious here.

Again, you contributed nothing but being a douche.


waltsnider1 t1_j5f8fg9 wrote

Who's resorting to calling names?
And I would argue that it matters everywhere. Just because you treat this as someplace that's casual doesn't mean everyone else does. Not only are you showing your level of intelligence, but you are also showing your level of empathy toward those who are trying to help you.


raichiha t1_j5fa1l4 wrote

I am, and we both know your not here to “help me” with anything. Go away


waltsnider1 t1_j5g92mi wrote

And yes, I was trying. It's clear you prefer a life of ignorance.


raichiha t1_j5gp4eq wrote

Yup, and theres a difference between ignorance, which means not knowing, and simply not giving a shit. Life is much easier when you don’t care about small trivial things like punctuation on a reddit forum, of all things lol