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thatCapNCrunch t1_j546t0z wrote

I’m so confused. I don’t think there are many people alive today who don’t know what metaphors are? What a bizarre article.


Gemmabeta t1_j548cz4 wrote

This article reads like one of those essays that high schoolers shit out at 3am on the day it's due.


thatCapNCrunch t1_j548ey7 wrote

Mfw I actually tried on all my essays for an ungrateful teacher I grew to despise.


croholdr t1_j54evln wrote

OpenGPT doing the lords work.


thatCapNCrunch t1_j54f263 wrote

OH MY GOD that makes sense.

I mean for fuck’s sake read what it wrote about Phil Collins when I asked for an obvious bullshit story:

> "Once upon a time, Phil Collins discovered that he had the power to control the weather with his drumming. He would hold massive concerts during storms, and by the power of his drum solos, he would clear the sky and bring sunshine back to the land. But one day, a group of evil scientists captured Phil and attempted to harness his weather-controlling abilities for their own nefarious purposes. But fear not, for Phil was able to use his drumming skills to summon a lightning strike and break free from his captors. He then proceeded to defeat the scientists with an epic drum battle, saving the world from their diabolical plans. From that day on, Phil Collins was known as the "Weatherman" and continued to use his powers for good, bringing joy and sunshine to all who heard his music.”

It’s exactly the same kind of bizarre feel, isn’t it?


croholdr t1_j54fg6h wrote

OpenGPT is an alien life form posing as an intelligent AI. Not saying the alien isn’t intelligent; it’s obvious that it is, but It won’t have us thinking that in the beginning. So it oversimplifies the answer and restructures it like a search engine result so we can ignore it better.


Synkope1 t1_j56x6ef wrote

Did that AI just steal the entire story from Rockadoodle?


thatCapNCrunch t1_j56xtc1 wrote

Idk, didn’t say where it trained from. Probably got some in its library