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MetaSageSD t1_j4ok81x wrote

Let me guess, a Republican was involved.


HoopOnPoop t1_j4okzqy wrote

"If you can't beat 'em, shoot 'em" - GOP 2022


ToAlphaCentauriGuy t1_j4ol7q2 wrote

Was this guy a Navy corpsman? I think i served with him.

Edit: yup. Its him. Looks like he fell through the MAGAhole...

He was a character. He was kicked out tho.. i remember him quoting various obscure parts of the UCMJ during his NJP hearings, all sovergn citizen like, before it got big. His heart was in the right place but his sense of right and wrong and what it would take to get there was heavily skewed. Like he'd find passed out Marines drunk on weekends and instead of taking them to get medical attention, hed take an iv bag and administer it to them right there. Like thanks for not reporting me and me not getting demoted i hope you used new needles...


LoveVirginiaTech t1_j4ombfo wrote

Right wing nut jobs have been itching to shoot liberals dead since the 90s. They're tired of waiting.


rpapafox t1_j4omvyn wrote

The sad part is that only a handful of republicans will make a public statement condemning his actions.


Pizza_Eater_44 t1_j4ooqbm wrote

Tryin to F w America's democracy. Life in prison sounds good.


LiamtheV t1_j4or0vl wrote

“Failed Republican Candidate and Trump Supporter arrested after forming terrorist cell to target government officials”


Wolaian t1_j4orxiu wrote

Turns out the dude was a convicted felon! That’s who Republicans put up for candidates. Liars, Nazi’s and convicted felons.


GetlostMaps t1_j4os75c wrote

This isn't oniony it's just US Politics.


RedChaos92 t1_j4osc71 wrote

"He's not a Republican! That's antifa posing as one!" - Trumplicans everywhere, probably.


lastknownbuffalo t1_j4oubhw wrote

Fucking insane I'm just hearing about these

>Following Peña’s arrest Monday, Albuquerque Police Chief Harold Medina called Peña the “mastermind” behind the shootings. Police believe he orchestrated a December 4, 2022 shooting at Bernalillo County Commissioner Adriann Barboa’s home, followed by a December 8 shooting at New Mexico House Speaker Javier Martinez’s home.

>A third shooting occurred at the home of then-outgoing Bernalillo County Commissioner Debbie O’Malley on December 11. The fourth shooting happened just after midnight at state Senator Linda Lopez’s home on January 3, 2023. In each shooting, no one was hurt.


DamnBunny t1_j4p56d8 wrote

This is why its more effective to leave a window open and let nature take its course.


kevinds t1_j4pf7om wrote

>“It was unknown that this individual [Trujillo] was involved in any type of crime,” said Medina, speaking of what a deputy knew of Trujillo at the time of his arrest. “A Bernalillo County Sheriff’s deputy pulled the individual over, took him into custody, and tagged a firearm into custody.”

Then why did they arrest him, if it wasn't known that he was involved in any type of crime?


Darryl_Lict t1_j4pj12w wrote

I wonder why they suspected him.

>Solomon Pena (R) was convicted of going on a crime spree in 2007. He was 24 when he was arrested and reportedly a leader of a burglary ring. The group would use stolen cars to smash into more than 50 stores in Albuquerque. The crimes totaled up to half a million dollars worth of merchandise.
>Pena was convicted of 15 felony charges in 2008. He served more than five years in prison and completed his probation in 2021.


thisgirlnamedbree t1_j4pknm7 wrote

I assumed it would be a MAGAlite regular lone wolf citizen, not a politician. But considering how many Republicans who lost their elections are such sore losers and are blaming everyone but themselves for why they lost, I shouldn't be surprised.


agonypants t1_j4q01gy wrote

He's also a convicted felon. There's a different story about this guy from the same news site. He led a burglary ring targeting local businesses and was convicted in 2008 I think. In other words: The Best People.


WebbityWebbs t1_j4q6gi0 wrote

That’s the best part about the insane system the Republican Party has created within itself. Anyone who does something that upsets the crazies in the driver’s seat of the party is automatically a RINO/antifa/FBI socialist saboteur. I arch conservative Liz Chaney goes against the mob, she is a RINO, conservatives attack the country, they are Antifa, conservatives conspire to illegal seize power, they are the FBI. The conservative mob will turn on anyone at anytime.


imll99 t1_j4q7hty wrote

The fact that he served seven years in prison for an armed robbery and then refused to concede after losing his race by a two-to-one margin meand this isn't surprising.


RangeWilson t1_j4qao67 wrote

Republicans should change the slogan to "Make America Batshit Crazy."

You got "ABC" in there and everything!


Kradget t1_j4qgij2 wrote

I heard someone I used to respect much more say something to the effect that a given "liberal" politician ought to be shot a few years ago, and it fully cemented to be that this is a group that will absolutely engage in and incite violence to get what it wants. Massive effect on my trust in this person and their judgment aside, this person is not actually super political, and isn't one to want to hurt anyone themselves. But they're absolutely someone hearing all this same shit and coming to the conclusion that, well, golly, someone has to do it, for the greater good.

So, there's clearly someone else taking it yet more seriously, and deciding at some point that now's the time for violence, and they're just the one to do it. And that's why I believe in paying attention to this stuff. It's already hurting people, and that's seen as a good thing.


eruditeimbecile t1_j4qh1ps wrote

The sad thing is that this won't be the last time we see something like this.


LeftLimeLight t1_j4qk8ov wrote

Former felon became a republican terrorist because he couldn't handle the simple fact that he lost an election.


FlyThruDown t1_j4qlu34 wrote

The first sentence of his mission statement: "There is no systemic racism."

He also thinks solar energy is bad. This guy is a nut. I hope they throw the book at him.


ArbutusPhD t1_j4qq7ar wrote

He is clearly a radicalized extremist, and this is about his violent extension of his extreme philosophy, and not necessarily that he is a republican. That said, what is the overlap between the beliefs that led to this act and beliefs held by large numbers of American Republicans?


nonsensepoem t1_j4qt1u7 wrote

> and it fully cemented to be that this is a group that will absolutely engage in and incite violence to get what it wants

Of course. These are the same people who shot Martin Luther King, Jr.


meatmechdriver t1_j4r2gbd wrote

Oh look, a deluded and violent republican candidate. Behold the shock.


wyrrk t1_j4s5lfi wrote

hey, we're in the news.



psilocin72 t1_j4sj43z wrote

Unfortunately this is not onion-y. It’s all too believable.


conanmagnuson t1_j4sota2 wrote

The creepiest thing about this is how it’s not being reported on Fox News. At all.