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Jeraimee t1_j4mdqz0 wrote

"Thanks for the eight bucks." He said.


GirlScoutSniper t1_j4mk36i wrote

It took me a few to realize they weren't talking about hound dogs.


BaconIsAVeg2 t1_j4mlwp7 wrote

Does this mean for $8/month I can be Muhammad The Prophet with a blue tick?

Will I be jihadi'd if I upload a profile picture?


passinghere t1_j4moc3q wrote

Do you understand what "blue balls" means? As in, a bloke that's been sexually excited and is left with aching balls due to not ejaculating... and thus they are joking they got blue balls after spending money on onlyfans which is sexually provocative.


Nagger_Luvver t1_j4mpjsl wrote

Elon loves anybody who's got the money to pay him


Fake_William_Shatner t1_j4mr6sw wrote

It looks like Musk has found a way to please that sought-after Taliban and scam marketers looking for legitimacy demographic.


Fake_William_Shatner t1_j4ms4x3 wrote

Just a tick.

Now, the blue part I can understand, but, you could associate blue with anything -- it's just the balls part. Twitter. Taliban. And Ticks. WHAT part of that made you think of aching hairy balls?

I think you expect more people to jump down your poorly lit rabbit hole than the surveys might support.


Fake_William_Shatner t1_j4msjkl wrote

Oh, so you think Chat GPT and Google Search are less clear than you who tracks thoughts on your weekly calendar a month in advance?

"Tuesday the 5th,... Today I had a thought, which I shall let gestate for a day or so, until it has mellowed."


Trazzster t1_j4n8dxb wrote

Well hell, why not? The GOP is a terrorist organization and they all have blue checks too.


elfking-fyodor t1_j4nb60i wrote

I’m… pretty sure it’s like super mega illegal to deal financially with them.


mymar101 t1_j4nm5lz wrote

Wait you're doxing the Taliban. Sarcasm.


tnfrs t1_j4nmmq4 wrote

how long until theyre talibanned amirite guys


Visondo t1_j4nq72x wrote

And how is Musk going to take payment from them when they remain sanctioned by the US?


BonDragon t1_j4nrw0z wrote

So what's the difference? I don't see TweeLon doing big positive philosophy work with his money. Just how "right" he is on all topics.


bigbangbilly t1_j4o2hds wrote

It's like the Wolf Cola episode from Always Sunny In Philadelphia but with Elon


metaltimmy t1_j4o3fzv wrote

You know Elon, this “free speech” you talk about, should actually be reserved for countries that have free speech.

You know, it’s always acceptable to tell oppressive terrorists to shove their heads up their asses!


Ann_not_a_cult_er t1_j4o7j7n wrote

When they start beheading blue tick users, Elon will be piiiiiiisssed!


Fake_William_Shatner t1_j4om89v wrote

I am still about 90% sure that Musk bought Twitter so that he could use it to manipulate who gets elected. Once he puts people in office, and they know his finger on the scales of "freedom and truth" helps them get into office. He hopes to make his money back on super lucrative government contracts.

"What is this man's genius and reason for a comeback?" Everyone will say in shock and hushed tones. He's a piece of shit who will help other pieces of shit get in power and they will help him in return. Getting contracts and financing is his one and perhaps only genius talent.

You know, because that's what humanity needs; one more pig at the trough making sure that they get fed. It's so transparent. The future is as stupid as it is predictable and annoying.

The solution of course, is someone needs to put LSD in his smoothie one day, so that he can experience true wonder and stop being a selfish prick.


omally_360 t1_j4oot6f wrote

They can also buy from Amazon, Apple, Microsoft and open an account on Reddit.


standardtrickyness1 t1_j4p416q wrote

How else would we know we're being threatened by the real taliban leader?


gerberag t1_j4p9u5p wrote

"DRUG CARTEL" starts buying . . .


IngeborgHolm t1_j4pdha9 wrote

They'll get banned as soon as they'll tweet that their new car is better than Tesla.


UpbeatCheetah7710 t1_j4pe4y8 wrote

This should really help attract more advertisers to the platform.


Shade_Xaxis t1_j4pg39q wrote

>I am still about 90% sure that Musk bought Twitter so that he could use it to manipulate who gets elected.

The illusion of his power comes from his wealth, and the reputation for turning everything he touches into a success. He's lost half that net worth, and will lose more with the Tesla lawsuit. Twitter has been such a big failure, it's seriously screwed his other company's. Don't get me wrong, I thought the same thing, but musk just doesn't have the influence to play King Maker anymore.


Close-my-tub t1_j4pt7ii wrote

Musk tried to make a far right platform, he succeeded...


hananobira t1_j4pw9op wrote

Our online store won’t run transactions from Afghanistan. We had a potential customer yesterday asking if we could create a manual order for him, and I ended up spending 15 minutes trying to decipher the current state of sanctions before we decided we had to decline.

So I’m no legal expert but I’m also in the “pretty sure it’s like super mega illegal” camp.


Fake_William_Shatner t1_j4pzwuu wrote

>Don't get me wrong, I thought the same thing, but musk just doesn't have the influence to play King Maker anymore.

Well, it is a roll of the dice. It's not that he isn't TRYING to play king maker and I do hope he fails. However, these people at the top have a tendency to fail upwards. Rupert Murdoch was in the red with Fox News for over a decade -- they paid more for each audience member than they got (paying to get their channel in venues and more than giving it away). Now it makes a profit -- but, it really makes its value by the reality it creates in people's heads. It promotes fascism and props up candidates who work against the working class.

So, who is to say that in two years, Musk doesn't look like a genius with new contracts? Because sometimes, it's not about the money -- it's about convincing people to put the chain around their own necks. That's necessary until the vote can be rigged and they can get the pesky democracy part out of the way.


brickyardjimmy t1_j4q2ezv wrote

Reinforces my general rule that anyone who has a paid blue check on their Twitter account is automatically to be ignored.


verybakedpotatoe t1_j4qe90n wrote

If every single Twitter user including all of the bots bought blue check marks, and all of that money went straight to the bank and none of it had to be used on expenses, it would still take nearly 10 years for Twitter to make up that missing $200 billion.

Back in reality though, only a small percentage of users are willing to buy blue check marks, all and more of that money is going to service debt payments, Even without paying rent or salaries Twitter still has expenses, and the business doesn't have 10 years to become financially solvent.


BonDragon t1_j4qg2fm wrote

The taliban is known to use old archaic form of butchery. Tweelon is a classic case of corporate greed that just wants coin in their bank account. If the coin is anonymous, all the better.


ericd50 t1_j4qq6mp wrote

I thought they were buying dogs.


luminarium t1_j4qspma wrote

This is a good thing. They can spend their money and then get their accounts banned anyway. Better than making unlimited numbers of sockpuppet accounts for free.


Inconceivable-2020 t1_j4qynf0 wrote

I'm surprised that Elon is not giving them out to known terrorists for free.


SilasX t1_j4s5hb8 wrote

The nit where, in context, the relevant comparison would be to the cost of twitter. If you weren’t using that as the baseline, as would be natural, you can just say, “I was comparing to Musk’s personal loss of net worth” instead of making me read a link to untangle what you mean.


Hunithunit t1_j4s7tsv wrote

Took me a minute to figure out they weren’t taking about hounds.


SilasX t1_j4t34zg wrote

That’s not the right way to account for it. It’s one party’s loss because of semi related events. Not everyone who participated in the twitter purchase suffered a share of the $200 bn loss, only of the $43 bn loss.


Fake_William_Shatner t1_j4tpx1f wrote

I just heard about it recently. Are these people similar to the Q in the USA or are they some unique manifestation only India could produce?

I have a feeling this is part of a social media manipulation and that it’s a world wide push to organize all the angry paranoid people.


koavf OP t1_j4twlis wrote

> Not everyone who participated in the twitter purchase suffered a share of the $200 bn loss, only of the $43 bn loss.

You are wrong, since every everyone who paid $44 billion to own Twitter also lost a total of $200 billion.


SilasX t1_j4u7ht9 wrote

Nobody paid $44 bn. It was jointly financed across multiple parties.

And even if Musk had out put up $44 bn, it doesn’t mean the other losses were attributable solely to that purchase. The Tesla price fluctuations were not entirely due to the sale of Musk’s shares, for example.


Chariots487 t1_j4upkv1 wrote

Remember: there were no terrorists, criminals, or state-sponsored disinformation bots/agents on Twitter before October 27th. This is an entirely new phenomenon and was definitely not a known problem.


Arch_Ferret_505 t1_j549ng0 wrote

This is totallly newws propaganda.

why TALIBAN SHOULD NOT GET BLUETICK when they could get a whole country while others couldnt get hold.Atleast they have achieved some thing real and they have millions of followers in real life.if not given how do we know who is the real Taliban leader or fake twitter account