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fartingfreddy1 OP t1_j4dgu5q wrote

This. 50 hours could be over 6 months or a year.What's next? They are going to make us pay back if we take multiple bathroom breaks? Plus tell me that as a wage worker you never logged in hour extra here and there. Not to talk about privacy issues. We are losing privacy, basic human right, in small increments every day. It became normal to track our phones, it became normal to steal our data, it became normal to observe every little move we make. It's just futile to even fight that fight in this day and age.


Shishire t1_j4h464h wrote

We just read the judge's decision. It's over a period of one month. And it's clear that she was being deceptive in some way from the evidence provided, as she kept offering new excuses that changed the nature of what she was claiming every time she was presented with evidence challenging her previous excuse.

Also, this is in Canada, so we're less familiar with the specifics of the laws there. It does, however, present a nasty precedent for companies to take advantage of even in dissimilar situations.


Netsrak69 t1_j4f3e9f wrote

>They are going to make us pay back if we take multiple bathroom breaks?

Actually yes, that's a thing that happens in corporate America.