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UndesiredEffect t1_j4f31sf wrote

There's a lot of theories about warping space time as opposed to going really fast. Idk how anyone can be so assured that an unknown society of unknown ability couldn't possibly get here, or that the chances are low. Our technology in modern times is increasing exponentially in many areas and thats just taking into account the last 150 years.

How about a race 20000 years past where we are at?


LasciviousApemantus t1_j4gdb50 wrote

Speculate all you want about a type 3 civilization, you're only proving you belong to a type -1 civilization tho


UndesiredEffect t1_j4ggz3b wrote

Why be so defensive? I'm just saying keep an open mind since we still don't know a lot about things beyond earth.


LasciviousApemantus t1_j4hdh7x wrote

you ever heard the expression, keep an open mind, but not so open that your brain falls out?