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taptapper t1_j45eoie wrote

For any of you that don't know, back in the 1700's people believed that your body had to remain intact, because when Jesus returns your body will rise up from it's grave "as is". Some people still believe it today but back then it was a waaaay more common belief. Mangling criminal's bodies was OK because that just meant more punishment during the resurrection (or something like that). It's one reason why there are laws against "defiling" corpses and why they quartered people after they were already dead from the drawing. Even though he wanted to be buried at sea, it was in a lead coffin: he wanted his body left intact.

So this wasn't just against his "wishes" it was against his beliefs and religion, and Hunter knew it.


WraithCadmus t1_j46uyyn wrote

This persisted at least into WWI, I remember reading a notification to a family of their son's death after a shell had landed in his trench noting "his injuries were wholly internal". Somehow I doubt being directly hit by artillery left much of anything.


taptapper t1_j49rhy8 wrote

Concussion damage could kill him and leave his body intact


Rude-Atmosphere-3969 t1_j46s9qb wrote

This just makes me want to be the circulatory system exhibit at BodyWorld.

It's Nov. 10th now. There is a circulatory system walking through the kitchen.