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Malachorn t1_j45oapv wrote

>Most of us are pretty used to being insulted and belittled all over the place.

That's not true at all.

Let's not pretend like Christians tend to be the disenfranchised minority.

It's one thing if we actually were talking about the small percentage of Christians actually in countries where they are a disenfranchised group... but largely, we're talking about Christians in privileged positions that are delusional in pretending otherwise and often claiming they're somehow "the real victims." It's absurd.

There IS a difference between "punching up" and "punching down."

Christians very much tend to not be some disenfranchised, subjugated group.

Realistically, Christians often wield a far greater amount of power than other groups and it's just ludicrous to not recognize that when those being marginalized want to lash out in some fashion then it's going to be against the system and those in power... which is NOT the same as those with power using that power and marginalizing others.