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Vodka-Forward t1_j25l91w wrote

All I hear is Jim Gaffigan’s voice 🎵Hot Pocket!


CaliBigWill t1_j25lqjp wrote

Did he wait for it to cool first? That's a real standoff.


jmsturm t1_j25mnck wrote

You are not yourself when you are hungry


fromwayuphigh t1_j25rcfi wrote

I'd probably surrender too, if on the verge of shitting myself.


Awkward-Ring6182 t1_j2611df wrote

Yakima Tourism dept. new slogan probably “ come for the hot pockets, stay for the meth”


Xennon54 t1_j267qv3 wrote

Maybe he should try a Snickers?

Give the cops a Pepsi too, just in case


r33k3r t1_j26brrc wrote

This guerilla marketing stuff has really gotten out of hand.


FinalPerfectZero t1_j26qbo7 wrote

To be fair, I’d want to binge on junk food also if there was a possibility of going away…


EllipsoidCow t1_j27ogcw wrote

Ugh, of course when Yakima miraculously makes it to the front page of Reddit, it's for some ridiculous shit like this. Shoutout to our hops and wineries and fruit and beautiful basalt columns. I swear there's some stuff in Yakima that we can be proud of...


birdinbrain t1_j27u7c0 wrote

Lot of standoffs today! Heard about one in San Bernardino that didn’t end so well, but there was another one in my home town in NorCal where no one got hurt. Must be that post-holiday malaise


xx_elysium_xx t1_j29oorq wrote

Only in fucking Yakima. 😂 Jesus. The cesspool of Washington.


peensteen t1_j29wfwl wrote

The cops had make sure he ate the Hot Pocket before surrendering. They're devastating thrown weapons fresh out of the microwave.


DaWonderHamster t1_j2ac9yu wrote

felt honestly. if i'm about to go to prison i wanna have one last hot pocket