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Rad_Dad6969 t1_j20rhn7 wrote

He only killed one guy do yall really need to enforce the death penalty here? That old guy would probably be dead by now anyway.

Save it up for maximum effect. If they didn't kill more than 4 people it's really just a waste of everybody's time to go through every appeal.


Welpmart t1_j20xcge wrote

I personally oppose the death penalty, but "meh, it was only a single guy and he was old" is appalling logic. Old people's lives aren't less valuable than young people's.


Uncynical_Diogenes t1_j21w0al wrote

The death penalty is a waste of everybody’s time and money while provably providing no benefit to society, which you would know if you were basing your comments on any evidence. It costs more than life imprisonment, tying up state resources in endless appeals, it does not function as a deterrent on crime, does not improve the mental health outcomes of victims’ families, and some percentage of those convicted are innocent and they get murdered anyway. No benefit, all costs, but you aren’t attacking that.

Instead, you’re in here awfully blasé about basing your assessment on when the state should end peoples’ lives on your own arbitrary emotional criteria.