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DragonGarlicBreath t1_j1ays55 wrote

> A former north Alabama prison guard was arrested Tuesday and now faces a litany of charges

Honestly, him selling hamburgers is kind of a relief, given that opening.


RPDRNick t1_j1ap54f wrote

When asked for a statement, the suspect simply replied, "Robble robble."


InterestingTesticle t1_j1bx221 wrote

I've been laughing at this comment for ten minutes solid. If I had awards to give, you'd get all of them.


AliceVerron t1_j24cab4 wrote

Click the coins tab and at the top it should have 1 free award per day, i used mine for that gold plated comment


Marrsvolta t1_j1aodd0 wrote

Guess Randy finally left the trailer park and got a job as a prison guard.


rcoff98 t1_j1aoq2c wrote

Muhfuckas with guts like that are most definitely NOT off the cheeseburgers


El_Deez t1_j1aia25 wrote

Assburgers in the 1st degree. Figure since it's not a diagnosis anymore might as well repacked the term.


cools_008 t1_j1c5yv0 wrote

But did he also have the shakes that makes you quake or the fries that fry your eyes or is it just burgers?


Fancy-You3022 t1_j1c8rp0 wrote

Close, he has the fries that’ll cross your eyes. Just watched this, lol.


rood_sandstorm t1_j1avkpw wrote

He exchanged the burgers for blowjobs


SelectiveSanity t1_j1al4ar wrote

Damn. And here I thought Cheeseburger Eddie had turned his life around by getting that prison guard job. I see he was really just looking to become the middle man.


chrisfyb t1_j1bf7bj wrote

Ya hate to see it..


taptapper t1_j1ba4dz wrote

The guard in the Danemora prison break was surprised she was charged with a crime for helping the 2 guys escape. She actually said "I knew it (helping inmates escape) was against the rules, I didn't know it was against the law"

Yes, she said that. it's in the documentary about the jailbreak where she tried to rebut the stuff about her in the miniseries


Puzzleheaded_Ad8538 t1_j1bwshv wrote

I always wondered what ever happened to the Hamburglar; now we know


Tha_Watcher t1_j1ba0b0 wrote

TIL: The Hamburglar is a prison guard!


andre3kthegiant t1_j1cixig wrote

The article I posted about someone getting arrested for wearing a dress was much more “oniony” than this article.
