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gonzo2thumbs t1_j16ntu6 wrote

That's an interesting article. Louisiana is doing the people wrong. The rich get richer, the poor get poorer. Folks should start getting involved in politics and start taking things seriously. This new law will also prevent big corporations from liability to protect people where insurance is concerned. Yikes. Louisiana conservatives do not love their fellow citizens.


Humble-Dragonfly-321 t1_j16qsd5 wrote

Yet they still are voted in.


Doublethink101 t1_j17rk0r wrote

Hating brown people and the gays is a hell of a drug.


losemyshis t1_j1991tu wrote

Just a hypothetical, if all the lgbt+ and dark skinned folk left conservative states who would the attack next?


trap_shut t1_j199xnf wrote

Women. They already have this lined up.


nomokatsa t1_j19aeky wrote

Oh minorities don't actually need to be there to be a good target for hate...

In my country for example, the villages which have next to no immigrants vote most anti-immigrant, while the cities with immigrants actually see that they are not what the right paints them to be..


Im_a_seaturtle t1_j19yvmr wrote

They would still come after gays and browns. I’m from California, but currently live in Florida. :(. . People here that have literally never stepped foot in California, have soooooo much to say about Newsom, homelessness, regulations etc. Hatred and ignorance have no borders unfortunately.


sambull t1_j19hwdy wrote

they make the lines clear,

>The document, consisting of 14 sections divided into bullet points, had a section on "rules of war" that stated "make an offer of peace before declaring war", which within stated that the enemy must "surrender on terms" of no abortions, no same-sex marriage, no communism and "must obey Biblical law", then continued: "If they do not yield — kill all males".


losemyshis t1_j19wnnk wrote

Damn he disappeared with 60 Ukrainian orphans? Wtf!!!


Xaero_Hour t1_j1a2r26 wrote

IIRC, it was Arizona that passed a law by overriding a veto from the governor banning trans people in school sports. The state had 4 trans athletes. Four people. A whole-ass law. The presence of conservative hate-targets isn't even a secondary concern; they fear the very idea of non-cis/white/heterosexuals and will trade anything and everything to punish them for nothing.


Shadowkitty252 t1_j1a2t3g wrote


And once thats gone, it will be people who arent 'white enough' as the people who are used to define whiteness (the absence of visible race) have been removed.

The band will just get narrower and narrower, because it has to


Knight_Owls t1_j1ak9vh wrote

All they have to do is point their finger at a letter other than an R after the name of any political candidate.

"The _ want to destroy America!"

That's it. That's the whole excuse right there. It's just that everyone they point at now is easier to spot with the naked eye and so, easier to attack.


potential_human0 t1_j18k1mv wrote

Because conservatives have been very successful at implementing laws and policies that specifically target people who are more likely to not vote conservative, to get them not to vote or make their vote inconsequential.


Qzack t1_j18eork wrote

The majority are just willfully ignorant. The rest are finding ways to leave.


ok-awesome t1_j18p6wv wrote

Born and bred Louisianian, when the previous Republican governor defunded the universities and hospitals to lower taxes that was the final straw for me.


DasDunXel t1_j18sluq wrote

Blind loyalty is the Hallmark of Religion and Conservatives.


ShadowDragon8685 t1_j191la0 wrote

Of course it is. I keep saying that the root of the evil of "conservative" politics is religion.

Someone who is raised, indoctrinated, groomed shall we say, from birth, to listen to what the loud man behind the pulpit says no matter what, to never question that loud, charismatic authority, even when they can see absolutely no evidence of the truthfulness of his words...

Well, a pulpit is basically a fancified podium, isn't it?


jefuchs t1_j1aohjr wrote

>Louisiana conservatives do not love their fellow citizens.



Padhome t1_j18v4we wrote

We literally have third world spots in this country.