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TunkFunklin t1_j05kodm wrote

Where did they find them? Asking for a friend


I-am-mclovin2 t1_j05vu7o wrote

Scientists finally found the clit. A headline as old as time.


LasciviousApemantus t1_j08p7sj wrote

Apparently it WAS on a snake the entire time but unfortunately that snake wasn't my ex wife. HEYOOOOOOO


sedition- t1_j05wmqq wrote

Fucking hilarious thing to be known for, Megan Folwell the leading snake clitoris expert.


Polyfuckery t1_j066x7d wrote

Interesting. I realize this sounds bad but to what benefit? Snakes are not known for social sex play like bonobos or dolphins. They don't tend to be known for masterbation. My parrots do. My reptiles don't. Most snakes, I am aware there are exceptions, don't have anything to do with eggs once laid and they don't pair bond. In fact they can retain sperm so encouragement to remain with a partner doesn't exist. It seems like an odd thing for a reptile to maintain.


destroyer551 t1_j06jjgk wrote

Snakes actually are known for their elaborate sex lives. Courtship across the entire suborder is typically a lengthy affair with great effort displayed by the males and it usually involves lots of chin-rubbing, quivering, coiling, parallel slithering, and jerking movements. Pelvic spurs are even used to tactically stimulate females in the primitive families that still retain evidence of their hind limbs. Courtship can last hours, even weeks in some species, and the act of copulation itself can be an equally lengthy affair.

A nerve-filled clitoris is fairly likely to have arisen (and like the courtship behaviors, may actually be rather ancestral to all modern snakes) due to sexual selection by females. Competition between males can be fierce and it is quite common among the group for multiple males to congregate and compete directly for access to just one female.


MarginalOmnivore t1_j0686xw wrote

If it's not detrimental, there's no reason for it to be selected against. So, unless growing the structure of a clitoris is more-than-negligibly energy and/or nutrition demanding than growing not-clitoris, it's probably gonna stick around.

Also, if female snakes' hemiclitores are analogous to male snakes' hemipenes (that is, a base structure that develops differently for each gender), they're probably more likely to stay.


LasciviousApemantus t1_j08p08u wrote


said the weirdly passionate scientist extremely loudly in the shampoo section of the CVS


KindaABigDi1l t1_j07u7rw wrote

Well Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets could have ended much differently


ItsDokk t1_j07lf0b wrote

So glad that this is what scientists are working on, this question has kept me awake at night for decades!


Brewing_Tea t1_j07wvla wrote

So, uhhhh...

What have you guys been working on?


Evilkittyking t1_j08iueo wrote

how do these studies get funded.


[deleted] t1_j0amezj wrote



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ThirdSunRising t1_j0a3rik wrote

What was the taboo? Was I not supposed to bone that python?


LC_001 t1_j0ernto wrote

And here comes the snake sex fetish porn!


Yronslo t1_j08kquc wrote

Am now answered abt some women being cold in bed despite covering them in bigger duvet