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IonTheBall2 t1_iyi2ck5 wrote

I meant the breathing kind, but now I’m curious…. What kind do you mean by “not that kind?”


-Apocralypse- t1_iyi2g85 wrote

Not the fan kind.


eugenesbluegenes t1_iyi8zjl wrote

I've never heard of a fan referred to as a "ventilator".


Grand_Protector_Dark t1_iyifar7 wrote

A mechanical fan is called a "ventilator" in German.


TheTwiggler t1_iyjiwjt wrote

In the US we have things called ventilators. They are often for industrial applications when you need to ventilate an area of dangerous particulate like spray paint, or maybe debris from sand blasting


humanesadness t1_iylupis wrote

In dutch and german it is! And an english ventilator is called a beademingsapparaat (or breathing machine) in dutch