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thefirstgarbanzo t1_ixuo40l wrote

There are many varieties of poppy that produce opium. Your mom probably grows opium poppies.


Plethora_of_squids t1_ixv49eq wrote

if your mum grows poppies for using in recipes, she's definitely growing opium poppies. And if you have some poppy seeds in your cupboard, that's the exact same poppy.

poppy seed is a common ingredient in central/east European deserts and you need a lot of it. And the poppy used - the breadseed poppy - is the exact same plant as the opium poppy. This isn't a 'hur dur opium recipes' thing, it is legitimately the same poppy. Those alkaloids that can make opium when harvested as latex degrade into something inert but tasty by the time the bud has turned to seed.

Alternatively if you have any carnation poppies, they are, once again, Papaver somniferum. Opium poppies.


LavaMcLampson t1_ixuystb wrote

All poppies produce opium. Obviously some have been selectively bred to maximise yield but you can absolutely extract opium from any poppy with nothing more than hot water.


Kassssler t1_ixx8gm2 wrote

Ok. No particular reason, but after I extract it how do I process it into heroin?


Malawi_no t1_ixw0tt5 wrote

I have field poppies, and apparently they contain a low level of opium.