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Fit_Cheesecake_4000 t1_ix5vud0 wrote

No, they have. Why do you think were are so many homeless people living in encampments in LA and Portland? Why do you think recent bail reform and changing of sentencing laws in some states has lead to some criminals offending 20 times in a row and being released and groups of looters stealing less than $999 worth of goods from stores, only to have those stores shutdown because they can't operate?

They're trying, but their policies are just failing because they tend to operate from the perspective of "People are inherently good, it's the system that makes them bad", which I doubt is true because essentially we're all animals who can (sometimes) employ bursts of logic but are decently driven by emotion.

(I can't quantify if all of them are but these are the most visible and detrimental outcomes.)


QuestionableAI t1_ix6enhg wrote

There is a diff between evaluating effectiveness of programs and just throwing programs at an issue. Politicians don't listen to or ask any question to policy analysis, it's just stage drama.