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Sleepy_Tortoise t1_iwvnpna wrote

Even if you sell someone fake drugs to rip them off you still can get hit with "intent to distribute" if they have other evidence of you setting up the deal under the pretense of selling drugs anyway


Pleasant_Quantity_12 t1_iwyb38h wrote

That is unfathomably stupid if true. This is yet another reason why our prisons are so damn overflowed. 🤦🏾‍♂️


RadicalIslamicMonkey t1_iwwj63x wrote

How far can you push the fake drugs?

For example if the 'dealer' set up a deal to sell you Ice (meth street name) and sold you a bag of crushed ice from McDonalds could you get charged for "intent to distribute?"


PaxNova t1_iwwy5fw wrote

I'd be less worried about the police and more worried about the angry druggies.