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justanotherpainter63 t1_iwum5l2 wrote

Get a lawyer


abe30303 OP t1_iwv1nav wrote

I am trying. It's extremely difficult to get a lawyer that is willing to go to bat against one of the largest and most powerful county governments in the state.

I can't even get the feds to go after a former county agency head who bilked half a million dollars from the federal COVID relief funds... what does that tellya?


justanotherpainter63 t1_iwv2ggm wrote

I call bullshit there is always a lawyer around if you’re willing to pay them and actually have a case.


abe30303 OP t1_iwv4guj wrote

That may be true for where you live, and half the battle is finding the lawyer... I sued a large company for ADA rights, pro se, and won in federal civil court. I spent a year trying to find an attorney and no attorney would take the case because the DAMAGES were deemed too small. So I took my own case to court and won my minimal amount of damages.


abe30303 OP t1_iwv35uo wrote

And we are assuming I will be alive long enough to even see the court date.

I was so stressed that I was at the office all night last night because I could not sleep. I came home at about 8am this morning to find the support beams for my small back porch chopped apart.

Then my dog nibbled on something that was laying among the leaves in the front yard. He had a massive vomiting fit.

Amazing timing, I tellya.

After I blew the whistle on HAMP fraud committed by one of the largest banks in the USA, every single vehicle I bought broke down really quickly. My first car's brake line showed no signs of failure or leaks or damage but was bone dry when I was trying to get off the interstate. I had to perform a controlled collision into the guardrail to save my own life. Then both a car + van failed at the same time and would not start up - a mechanic said the engines had been destroyed. After that, another vehicle I bought was found with flattened tires and dog poo smeared on the windshield.

If I die, I did not commit suicide. I am determined to survive out of spite.