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LittleBadWitch t1_iwh2bpo wrote

Tbf, I knew it had a sexual connotation, but completely thought it was a derision towards secondhand anything from food, to clothes, well... anything. It's been used in professional work environments, comic books, etc. that way around me in the US for decades now.

So, I doubt we're all on the same page about it being 'only' a sexual slang.


Outspoken_Douche t1_iwhrqxx wrote

It’s people wanting to be offended for the sake of being offended, this is a nothing burger


notinferno OP t1_iwhuuhx wrote

it refers to the cum left inside by the first sexual partner


Outspoken_Douche t1_iwhv9e3 wrote

...And? Who cares, lol


notinferno OP t1_iwhvexd wrote

it’s pretty funny when naively blurted out by a Premier


AqUaNtUmEpIc t1_iwinvlj wrote

It was the Liberal MP, the Greens, and Georgia Health; a gender equality advocacy group


HighlightFun8419 t1_iwinkha wrote

literally all the people debating this in these threads. don't be such a schmuck.


Quadrassic_Bark t1_iwjgemp wrote

It’s not offensive, though. At all. It’s just gross. People have lost all understanding of what constitutes offence or being offended


InvestigatorLast3594 t1_iwhv57u wrote

It’s the first time I’ve heard it as an explicit and specific sexual act and when I tried to look for definitions all I could find was sloppy seconds in a sexual context. I’m not sure if I am being Mandela effected, but I could have sworn to have heard sloppy seconds in many normal contexts


snowmuchgood t1_iwi4oep wrote

Yeah I was pretty sure that the sexual connotation came from the idea that no one wants leftover food - like no thanks kid, I don’t want your half chewed cookie, which then evolved into a sexual reference because that’s what people do.


ConvenienceStoreDiet t1_iwhzuxl wrote

It reminds me of when people use the term groupie. Usually we think of it like someone who's a fan of someone in a band, at least using the term casually. But it also means someone who had sex with multiple members of a band or follows them on tour to have sex with them.


HighlightFun8419 t1_iwinpso wrote

just chiming in that this is very much a dirty term in my book. I would never use this unless i want to be grossly funny with close friends.

or, y'know, on reddit or youtube or something.


In0nsistentGentleman t1_iwi8dip wrote

>So, I doubt we're all on the same page about it being 'only' a sexual slang.

Yeah, agreed. 100% feel like most "sexual slang" can be applied to...a lot of different scenarios that arent sexual and describe the object or event in question better than other phrases might.